Gospels and printed products

 Apostle in Church Slavonic, leather cover 22x30 cm
 Roman Hryshchuk prayer book and psalter 11x15.5 cm
Akathist for children (Ukrainian language), 11х16 cm
Akathist for the deceased, in Ukrainian, 14.5x20 cm
Akathist for the repose of the dead (in Ukrainian)
40 грн.
Akathist I volume (Ukrainian language), 17x24 cm
Akathist to a woman in labor, in Ukrainian, 14x20 cm

Gospels and printed products
Printed products in the church are an important tool for promoting spiritual development and ensuring communication between the church, the priest and God. It can take different forms and be used for different purposes. Here are some examples of printed products: children's literature, Bibles, Gospels, liturgical books, prayer books and many others.
Printed products in the church are an important means for communication, education and deepening of the spiritual life of Christians. It helps to create a favorable environment for the growth of faith and supports the spiritual community.
